Monday, August 6, 2012

The diary of The Vampire Marcus(part one)

I am not really sure anymore what a normal life is.
You think things will go a certain way in life. You are born, you grow, you meet that perfect someone, have kids, and die with your loved ones around you.
That was my way of thinking until my death came soaring down upon me like a sudden fever. A sudden end to my human life and I was helpless to stop it.
You see, I am a vampire. Yes you read that correctly. A vampire. Part of legends like werewolves, ghosts, and UFOs
Only thing is I never asked for this nor do I want it.
I never wanted any of this madness and hate for me. I wanted to live to be normal. Now that will never happen. Now I am caught in a whirlwind of murder,blood, and revenge against another vampire that I do not know.
My maker, Rodrik is at war with a former spawn who betrayed him some thirty years ago. A vampire who stood up to his cruelty and impriosned him so he could be free of this sickness that Rodrik is.
My human father was much the same way as Rodrik.
Full of a endless hate, self centered,cruel, and quick to deliver punishment to me over the smallest infraction.
And like my father, I am a disappoinment to Rodrik for my "humanity".And like my father, I am the center of his anger and the whipping boy for his blame
Rodrik is pure rage. Pure evil and twisted inside. And from what I have witnessed Rodrik, has no problem killing. He rather seems to enjoy pro-longing the torment of his victims and takes pleasure in seeing the total fear in his victims eyes.
I hate the killing the most. I cant stand hearing the screaming and begging for life. And I am forced to do this to stay alive  to please a lunatic maker, bent on soaking this world in blood.
We came upon a group of young girls( none of them could be older than 10) who were heading home. Rodrik pounced upon the entire group and killed two of them before the rest could even react. I sat in the shadows trying to hold back the hunger and the need to kill while my maker unleashed himself. Half way through the group, he stops and toys with the ones still alive
"Do you believe in Jesus?" he asked them.
"Yes" one of the girls responded back, shaking to the point that I thought her bones would surely break.
"That is a truly wonderous thing to believe in such ancient rubish" he said as he grabbed at her
" Make sure to tell the pig that I intend to fill his worthless kingdom with the souls of morons."
And with that he took her life.
Drained a child of her blood and life within seconds. Not because he needed her blood. He did it for the enjoyment of the kill. To spread his hate.
At this time he eyed me in the shadows and called to me to come to him. I obeyed out of fear.
I walked up to the last little girl alive who was in the grips of fear.
"Kill her" he commanded me.
I stared at her for a moment and before I could answer no, he struck me his right hand. He was upon me in seconds, holding the girl in his left hand.
"KILL HER" he demanded
I again just stared at her
"Either you drain her dry or I swear this little human will suffer in TOTAL AGONY till sunrise. You have no choice but to obey me, young one"
He began to apply his vampire claws around her neck until he broke her vein and blood poured out.
I knew from the thirst building inside of me and by the look in his eyes that her life would be over.Either I could end her suffering and fear quickly or could let Rodrik toture her for hours on end So I rose up, grabbed this child and drained her dry. I killed my first true victim and I hate him for making me do so. I will never forget the lack of life in her eyes as I tried to lay her little body down upon the grass and weeds.
Pleased by the outcome, Rodrik smiled and said
"This is what you are now, a hunter of mankind, the angel of death upon these twisted souls. Never forget that nor  disobey me again. We now leave this place and all of your human feelings as well. Revenge awaits, my little spawn. Let us go."
With that he walked off.
I stared at the bodies around me and at the one whos life I just took.
"What about the bodies?" i asked
Rodrik laughed
"Leave them. The message has been sent... I am free of the earth's grasp! Death awaits all those who dare get in my way!!!"
And this was my first night as a vampire.
I am now in some sort of vault for the dead, awaiting the sun to rise. I have no idea where Rodrik is at or if he is coming back. All I know is I miss my mother, my brother, my grandmother, and my friends. I just want to go home and be safe but I will never be able to do that and its killing me.
"That life is over" Rodrik said. "a whole new life begins"
I do not want it. But I have no choice. All I have is this old dusty book to write in as I await more killing and more madness
More memories of innocent children dying by a Hitler like vampire.

Chickamauga, Georgia
October 8, 2015


  1. This is just something I was working on half ass earlier when I was hanging with a few of my bros from weather art. I sat down with my notes and wrote this on the blog. The point is to show Rodrik and Mark(Marcus) relationship and to give some more light into this world I am creating. Not very good but you get a idea what I am trying to shoot for. As always comments are welcome here, on my facebook,twitter, and Goggle+

  2. Forgive the spelling and lack of words. Like i said its a very rough draft. I tend to leave my mistakes in to show that. I am working on a part2 and should have it up here soon. Again all comments are welcome
