Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Something that I had put up on my Facebook. Thought I would share it here,

Life can be very cruel. It teases us with the promise of love, joy, and riches. Once we become accustomed to said things, life throws us a curve ball and pulls all that made us so happy, away with a spiteful laugh. The negatives overtake and bury the positives. The future seems as gloomy as the present. You scream at the past, wishing you would have gone left instead of right. Your heart and mind battle for control while your soul suffers.You force yourself to sleep just to get the horrible day over with. You feel dead, yet you still breathe.
But you are not dead. This is the time when you are most its most raw forum imaginable.
I too am suffering. I am suffering from a ghost that just will not leave, no matter what actions I take to rid myself of her. My suffering lead to the creation of my vampire trilogy. I took all the good and ugly and poured it into the script. I gave life to something epic from the burn of pain. And thats what you should do....take something bad and make it good and worthwhile. There is much wisdom birthed from pain.
Time will go on, hearts will heal, new events will force you to go on, the day will be bright again. There is no silence in past pain, just friendly echos that remind you how far you really have come.